Introduction Publishing Content & services One company A great place to work

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One company
A great place to work
A great place to work
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a great place to work

Everything we create - ideas, stories, newspapers, images, books, websites - depends on the minds and imagination of our people. We're home to some of the best in the business, and we've set ourselves the goal of being the best place to work in the world. Of course we're nowhere near there yet, but that's where we're aiming.


Employee survey: This year we completed our first company-wide employee survey, and compared our results with 6,000 other companies. Pearson scored reasonably well as a place to work. We enjoy our work, we're happy with our working conditions, we think we have good benefits, we like to think we help each other. More than 60% of us think that being part of Pearson is important, and more than 80% think we're doing a good job of communicating what Pearson is about. But there are also real concerns over job security, stress and lack of opportunity for promotion. These are concerns that you expect at this stage in the economic cycle and we take them seriously. We're making a big effort to improve the feedback and career planning we provide to everyone at Pearson, and to improve the information we give people about their benefits. We'll repeat the survey this year, too, so we can see how we're doing.

Code of conduct: One of our basic principles is to be a decent company, that does the right thing by its people, its customers, its shareholders and everyone we do business with. This year we published a code of business conduct, setting out what that means to us - and really putting down on paper the standards of what we already believe and do.

Pearson careers: Across Pearson, we run a series of programmes to develop our people at all stages of their careers. Each of our businesses runs training programmes for graduates, exposing them to various roles across different functions and countries. Every year, we hold forums for managers from around the world to focus on company strategy and generating new ideas. And in 2002 we introduced a Pearson-wide placement programme to give people the chance to work for a short period with colleagues in other businesses or another country.

Diversity: We aim to be a diverse and inclusive company. We've appointed people in each of our businesses to spearhead our diversity programme and this is going to be a priority for us over the next few years.


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